While writing my blog post about how to inspect your own deck, I stumbled across a ridiculous amount of crazy deck photos. I have to share them. Please enjoy our very first top-twenty compilation of deck photos from past home inspections. And remember, May is Deck Safety Month.
And that’s how you like to support your deck?
Wicked Cantilever.
Splices need to happen over posts. This is technically over the post, but there should also be at least 1-1/2″ of bearing on the top of the post.
Don’t walk this deck.
Always look under the deck. These joists are severely rotted.
If you can put your hand through it…
Severely rotted beams.
Rotted joists, crazy-wrong load paths.
Just missed it.
Don’t lean back.
Wrong load paths.
Magic guardrail, no posts.
What supports what?
Improper deck supports.
Don’t kick the footings.
Hanging beam.
Crazy cantilevered joist splices.
What’s supporting that beam at the house?
Magic deck beam. How is this even standing?
Another open beam splice.
That’s some serious bowing.
Ok, that makes twenty-one. Thank you for visiting.
Author: Reuben Saltzman, Structure Tech Home Inspections