Reuben Saltzman

How to test a sump pump

Failed sump pumps lead to flooded basements. While it’s important to have a backup plan in place for a failed sump pump, it’s also a good idea to test your sump pump in the spring. Today I’ll show you how.

You need access

Most sump baskets have a plastic removable cover, often held in place with a few drywall screws. That’s what I have at my own house, and it looks like this:

Sump cover lid

To open this, I just need to back out the screws and give the cover a hard yank.

Removing sump cover

A few very lucky people have fancy covers like this one. Clear top, hinges, gasket, thumb screws… be still my heart.

Fancy Sump Cover

On the other end of the spectrum, most new construction houses have covers that are gooped shut with caulk.

Sump cover caulked shut

You can’t open that thing without busting a bunch of utility knife blades trying to cut through all the caulk. Our Radon Code requires sump baskets to be sealed to prevent radon gas from entering the home, and this is the quick and dirty way to do it.

Testing the pump

The best way to ensure the full functionality of your sump pump is to simply add water to the sump basket. You can run a garden hose into the room, or you can carry buckets of water into the room and fill it that way. But I’ll warn you, it takes more buckets than you think.

Garden hose into sump basket

The reason this is the best method is because you’re not only testing the functionality of the pump, but you’re also making sure the float is functioning properly. The vast majority of sump pumps are activated by a float; when the water level gets high enough, the float tells the pump to turn on. If your float is obstructed by something or stuck in the bottom of the pit, you might not know about it unless you test your sump basket by adding water.

If you want to test your sump pump the easy way, just lift up the float. It’ll probably be a black floating valve about the size of a tennis ball, tethered to a cord. When you lift it up, your sump pump should kick on. When you drop it back down, your sump pump will turn off.

Lifting sump pump float

Some sump pumps have a float attached to the pump, and those work the same way. Lift the float to turn it on, drop the float and the pump should turn off.

And to make it especially easy to test a sump pump, you’ll often have two cords plugged into an outlet. The first is for the float, and the second is for the pump. The float controls the power to the pump as needed. To bypass the float, you can unplug both and then just plug in your pump.

Sump pump float plug

This is handy for those sump baskets with lids that are gooped shut.

What if it fails?

If your pump doesn’t activate, check the obvious stuff first. Is it plugged in? Is there power to the outlet? Do you have a failed float mechanism? Is the float stuck? Does the pump work if you plug it directly into an outlet? If you still can’t get the pump to turn on, it’s probably time for a new one. I consider sump pump replacement to be a very DIY type of project. If everything goes smoothly, you’ll spend more time driving back and forth to the store for a new pump than you will actually doing the work.

7 responses to “How to test a sump pump”

  1. George Benigno
    March 12, 2024, 3:40 pm

    Good to see Minnesota has a radon code. Can you give an honest answer why other states like Kansas and Missouri just to name a few don’t.

  2. Reuben Saltzman
    March 14, 2024, 8:11 am

    Hi George,

    Why don’t other states have a radon code? I honestly don’t know. If I had to guess, I’d say it’s because people aren’t properly educated about radon.

  3. Dale
    March 12, 2024, 6:57 pm

    Reuben –good advise, however, if you cannot test the sump pump because the of the cover being secured etc.–it should documented it in the report.. The same for the ejector pump pump!

  4. Reuben Saltzman
    March 14, 2024, 8:12 am


    March 14, 2024, 2:21 pm

    Rueben,I no longer lift the float with my hand,got a shock,I now use a stick or similar object.

  6. Eric
    April 25, 2024, 12:58 pm

    Do you have a referral for the companies that do the nice covers like the one you posted? I have a new construction house in NE Minneapolis that has the quick and easy radon cover. I had a sump pump fail once, replaced it myself, the warranty is up this year and I’m thinking about doing it the right way this summer after hearing my pump run more than expected this spring.

    Thanks! Love your work.

  7. Reuben Saltzman
    April 29, 2024, 1:42 pm

    Hi Eric! I checked with the owner of Standard Water, and he said they could order and install a cover like that.

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