Having an open-flame wood fire in your living room is serious business.
According to the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA), nearly 18,000 fires are caused by wood-burning appliances every year. That’s just crazy. Chimney fires are a very common occurrence, so we’re diligent about recommending specialized chimney inspections.
Structure Tech offers level 2 chimney inspections as a stand-alone service and as an add-on to our home inspections. We partner with Inspection Services to conduct all of our chimney inspections. You can expect to see either Andrew Niemuth, Scott Mahley, or Jeff Corniea in the field performing your inspection. All inspectors have received their Certified Chimney Sweep designation from the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA).
Since offering chimney inspections, we’ve become convinced that most wood-burning masonry fireplace chimneys have problems. The problems are so widespread and so serious that the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends a level 2 chimney inspection anytime there is a sale or transfer of a property.
What’s a level 2 chimney inspection?
A level 2 chimney inspection is conducted by running a specialized inspection camera through the interior of the fireplace and chimney to inspect for concealed damage to the flue liner, as well as the inspection of the chimney’s exterior.