While this home inspection blog is comprised almost entirely of posts that I have written myself, occasionally I’ll get permission from another home inspector to post content that they’ve written… and that’s about all that ever shows up here. That’s about to change.

Michael Bartus, a Realtor here in the Twin Cities, introduced me to an extremely knowledgeable general contractor, Mike Otto. Mike is the owner of Fair & Square Remodeling, and he also blogs.
What really got my attention was the story of how he tore a roof off and added insulation on top of everything in an effort to stop ice dams from forming at a beautifully finished one-and-one-half-story home in Minneapolis. You can read the story here – unusual ice dam solution.
I’m pleased to introduce Mike Otto as the first official guest blogger on this site. Mike writes excellent material and has great ideas, with much of it focused around the real estate industry. I love reading his blogs, and I’m sure you will too.
Reuben Saltzman, Structure Tech Home Inspections – Email – Home Inspector Minneapolis