The average home inspection fee in Minnesota is $395. This is based on a price survey of all of the home inspectors we could find in Minnesota.
Who are these Minnesota home inspectors?
Because there is no licensing here in Minnesota, there is no way to get an official list of everyone who calls themself a home inspector. However, there are two national organizations for home inspectors, and I believe that most professional home inspectors in Minnesota belong to at least one of these two. One is the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI), and the other is the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI). We conducted similar price surveys in 2012 and 2016, and there was a stark difference in prices between ASHI and InterNACHI home inspectors. Today, it’s much closer, with ASHI home inspectors charging an average of $404, and InterNACHI inspectors charging an average of $389.
The numbers
We found 128 companies to survey. Of those, exactly 99 responded to us. With my company added to the list, that makes 100. For the other 28 who didn’t respond, we attempted to reach them via phone, email, text, and Facebook message. Of those, 26 ghosted us and two refused to share their price with us.
Home inspection prices can vary based on the size, age, and price of a home, so we said that the home was 2,000 square feet, built in the year 1990, and was selling for $300,000. Given the crazy market conditions, we probably should have used a higher selling fee. On the other hand, very few home inspectors base their fee on the price of the home, so this shouldn’t make a big difference.