Reuben Saltzman

Animals, skeletons, and creepy home inspection stuff 2024

It’s the best time of year to share these photos. Be warned: some of these have a high creep factor. Enjoy?

Shh… don’t wake the sleeping bat. In the bedroom.

Bat above door

Bat above door 2

Don’t worry about waking this one. It’s a bit crispy.

Dead bat in basement

BHAS = Big, Hairy, Audacious Spider. This is a Fishing spider, the largest spider in the Upper Midwest.

Fishing Spider

What’s behind door #1?

Burnt Bird location

A crispy bird.

Burnt Bird

Is it just us, or are incinerators a bit creepy? And is anyone else seeing that face?

Creepy Incinerator

Any home inspector worth their salt will instantly identify the ground and neutral wires improperly connected together at the same bus bar on this subpanel. Yikes! Oh, and there’s some dead stuff in there too.

Dead mice in subpanel

These gifts were courtesy of Mr. Raccoon, living in the attic. There’s nothing like having this rain down the back of your neck and pooling at the bottom of your tucked-in shirt. Glamorous job, ain’t it?

Raccoon Feces

Check out this gigantic skull we found on the roof.

Skull on roof

Ok, maybe it wasn’t that big. It’s all about perspective. Do you think it died of CO poisoning from the furnace exhaust?

Skull on roof 2

For this house, Halloween decor is in style year-round.


Finding a zombie clown in an attic always makes our heart skip a beat.

Zombie Clown

“You see, hydrofluoric acid won’t eat through plastic. It will, however, disolve metal, rock, glass, ceramic… so there’s that.” – Walter White

Hydrofluoric acid

Chucky gave us a jump while walking by.

Chucky in the window

Halloween potty decor.

Skeleton toilet

More potty humor, someone needs to see a doctor about this.

Mouse in toilet

Garter snakes are harmless, but it’s always unsettling to find them slithering around inside the house.

Snake 2

Snake 1

They’re even more unsettling in finished areas… and no, this wasn’t the same house.

Snake at couch